
Friday, February 13

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th...

And honestly even though I'm not superstitious, today has felt a bit off.  Maybe it's just this week, no it's definitely been the last couple weeks.

I've been struggling with finding a job.  I feel like I'm running out of places to apply.  People keep rejecting me.

"You're over-qualified."
"You're under-qualified."
"We found someone who also had experience in another area, so we hired them for both positions."
"We hired this GUY."
"Why don't you apply for this position?" ...then *crickets*

I bet they are laughing it up right now

It's gotten a bit ridiculous and honestly I need a full time job insanely bad.  I have bills to pay people!

On the upside, I have all this time to spend at home working on different projects, volunteering at church, and helping my family.  And Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram.  I'd love if someone offered me a job as a creative director or doing something fabulous that doesn't require a master's degree and sacrificing my left leg.  I can do so many things if only I was given a chance.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow and I'm thankful that I have the chance to speak to the St. Ann and Child Mary Guild in the morning.  I'm excited to talk about Mother Teresa, her love of Jesus in the Eucharist, and the Heart of a Servant!   

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