
Saturday, January 18

Did you know?

I have been on a journey of sorts the last 6 months.

1. The first thing I have been getting into is my blog...coming up with my blog name, deciding what to blog about, collecting blog info on Pinterest.  It's kinda been my preoccupation lol!

2. I've also been working towards a healthier me in baby steps.  My good friend Kelley introduced me to Beachbody and Shakeology.  It's been a journey, but I've lost over 20 inches so far and a few pounds, so I am thrilled!

3. I've wanted to do more with my talents and I am moving towards projects that fulfill my longings.  God has been opening up doors for me big time!

I've just learned not to be afraid and walk in God's ways.  It hasn't been easy, but it's been rewarding.

I am so happy to be sharing my journey with you and I can't wait to continually share with you!  In the next couple of days, I am going to post a review for a new mascara I've found.  So excited!

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