
Saturday, May 9


Welcome to Hustle and Grace!

I'm Randi and this is my first post! I love Jesus, my hair, modesty, youth ministry, and Pinterest. I'm Catholic and passionate about my faith. My hubby Ben and I have been married for just over 7 years. He works for Zipcar (and we love what Zipcar does for people!). He loves Jesus, his beard, cars and listening to audio books. Together we do youth ministry with an awesome team at our parish. I'm so glad you're here! I am pumped to share my story, shed light on Catholicism, infertility, modesty, women in ministry, and marriage. 

When I was thinking about starting this blog, I was dreaming up a new name and I was thinking about the other blogs I've written. I started out with a LiveJournal back in high school. Classic, I know! I've also had my handwritten "blogs": diaries, prayer journals, doodles on's no wonder I love to write, I do have an English degree after all! Since then I've had 2 other blogs, "Ministry Life of a Catholic Wife" and "Brite Grey". They just didn't realistically portray what was happening in my life and I couldn't keep my focus. 

So what happened to my last blog?
Well, back when I was writing "Brite Grey", my life took a different turn. I had been working as a youth minister/coordinator of religious education for almost 3 years and had worked at another church before that, as well as retail. I wasn't at peace with where I was for many reasons (I will write more about this later). I prayed a lot about what to do and talked to a lot of different people. My head was spinning with all of this creative energy, but I'll admit it, I was burnt out. I started looking for other jobs, but nothing was working out. 
Fast forward to last year: I was in the middle of VBS planning when I knew God was calling me to leave. It broke my heart telling kids and their families I was leaving, but I knew God had something different in mind. So I left my job, which was really scary, but I had peace about it and trusted God.

6 months after leaving my job (this past December), I felt my creative self coming back. I've been discerning my spiritual gifts and I now realize that I wasn't doing what I loved in a way that worked with my spiritual gifts and personality. I had been praying about starting a new blog since "Brite Grey" didn't reflect who I was. When I stumbled upon the name Hustle and Grace, I knew that it was an answer to prayer! It perfectly described the craziness of my life, but reflected how much God's grace is affecting it 24/7.

I hope this blog is an inspiration and an encouragement for day to day life, one where we can celebrate what God is doing in our lives and ministries. Of course I will share DIY projects, printables, free items, and pictures from all different areas of my life. I hope you'll enjoy my blog, as I share my heart and soul with you.

I'm so glad you decided to stop by! I'd love to share more with you, so make sure to follow me on here or through Bloglovin. I'm also on Twitter @hustlegraceblog and Instagram (my fav!) @hustleandgrace.

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