
Saturday, February 1

Something I read

You know how something on Facebook can jump out at you and be really profound when you read it, but you easily forget it?

I have been a victim of that before until recently.  Then I read my friend Natalie's post about her husband instilling in his daughters this message:

To be honest, just as the writing in green says, it's what I needed to hear after all this time.  My dad never told me these things.  He never instilled in us the message that we were precious, beautiful, that he loved us, or that we were made in the image and likeness of God.  That's enough to make a girl feel incomplete for the rest of her life!  But I have been learning all these things slowly from different sources now that I am an adult.  It's funny how hearing them can reduce me to tears all over again.  How writing this can reduce me to tears.

I wish every man knew the difference he could make if he just genuinely loved his daughters, wife, or significant other.  To love them as Christ loves us.  To live out the fact that he is made in the image and likeness of God.  What a different world this would be!

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