
Monday, November 26

Advent Here We Come!

So I've been promising for quite some time now that I would do a post on Advent ideas.

This post will be part 1 of 2.  This one is FULL of resources, so eat it up!

First of all, please check out my Pinterest boards below.
1.  Check out the Advent coloring sheets and the Advent Calendar: Religious Education Ideas
2.  You'll find some great ideas for different Advent Calendars and Advent wreaths at: Catholicism For My Home

Then check out this video from the webinar I attended by Ave Maria Press:
O Radiant Dawn: Ministering to Families (And Yourself) This Advent Season
There's tons more videos to check out there too!

More Advent Resources:  CatholicMom: Advent

My Recommendations for Great Advent Guides:
For Youth Ministry:  Life Teen Advent Companion
For Parish:  Magnificat Advent Companion
For Catholic Moms:  Catholic Moms Advent Books

Projects to get Dad involved:
Making An Advent Wreath
Advent Wreath Using Power Tools!
Outdoor Nativity Scenes with lights
Lego also makes Advent Calendars!

Shows to Watch: CatholicTV: Advent

12 Tips to Holier Advent Season

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