
Saturday, October 8

No Time

Some days I feel like I am too busy for Jesus, like I don't have time for Him or anything else in my life. My time for family and friends seems kind of small because I'm going to work 8 hours a day, then to work at church, then to choir practice, then home to clean, and finally collapse into bed at midnight. I start all over again at 5:30am when my alarm blares at me. 

I'm exhausted Jesus! How could I have time for You? You're not making my life any better right now or easing my load. Things are just getting crazier!

Has your life ever been like that? Relief or Jesus' attempt to give it to me comes, but it's just a whisper. He says, "Slow down and sit with me." Even when I'm at church working, I'm like, "Jesus, I'm just too tired to walk upstairs and across the whole church to get to You. I just want to go home!" But he again calls me and I relent. I walk into the chapel and collapse on the floor and beg Him to take everything.

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light. - Matthew 11:28-30

This is my real life right now. In reality, I know I'm not really too busy for Jesus, but I need to carve out some time for Him. Sometimes that means letting go of some things so I can focus on my relationship with Him first. I used to feel like this in high school and I was constantly busy. Then someone introduced me to Eucharistic Adoration and I cleared my schedule Friday nights to go spend an hour with Him. While everyone was at the game for the final quarter, I was at church turning my week over to God. I thank God every time I think about those times in prayer that kept me from feeling too overwhelmed by all of the to-dos of high school life. Now as an adult I only wish that my life was so simple and that I didn't have to work to make a living. I would have so much more time to pray! But I think God isn't looking for lots of time like spending all day at church, but rather us stopping and taking time out to be with Him in the midst of it all. To realize that we can't hold it together without Him.

And when you think you can't hold it together anymore, that's a pretty good indicator that you need more Jesus in your life. So think about where you're at right now. Are you too busy for Jesus? If so, you need to make some adjustments in your life to make room for Jesus. Don't be afraid, do it! I swear it will be a game changer.

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