
Thursday, February 18

Lifestyles of the Facebookless and Famous

For Lent this year, I decided to give up Facebook.

Because, you know it's like the typical thing everyone gives least if you were a college student between 2003-2008+. Anywho, I put up my status saying I was giving it up for Lent, but told my friends to text me. I also messaged some important people and told them I would be off of Facebook, so here was my phone number and email. My brother thought he was hilarious when he commented to compare me to a smoker who just couldn't kick the habit. See, I've been talking about giving up Facebook for over a year. The only thing is, I really only keep Facebook to keep up with college friends and my family (some of which need to use a phone).

I just got mad and said, "That's it, I'm deleting it tonight!" and did it right then. A week later, I had to tell my mom and my grandma that I had deleted it. They hadn't noticed I was gone. My brother still thinks I'll go back. And my husband is convinced that deleting his Facebook is the way to peace after enduring everyone's posts on Trump and the Pope today. Not having Facebook has saved me a lot of drama.

So, don't just give up Facebook, delete it! Find the freedom you've always been looking for!

I also gave up make-up for Lent. This one has been pretty humbling, as my face gets super red and blotchy. I swear I have rosacea...and my face shows everything I'm allergic to as well. I look at my face and think to myself, "Maybe I should start a skincare regimen...." Then I don't. So far, a lady at Goodwill thought I could qualify for the senior discount (50+ babes).

Now for some BIG NEWS: Starting in March, I will be writing for the Encounter blog! I'm super flattered that I was asked, I mean, they really want people teens to read my posts about the faith?! Of course, I owe it all to my first teen readers! And most importantly God, because I wouldn't have this awesome keyboard talent if it wasn't for Him.

Take my advice though: delete your Facebook. You will become such a Catholic hipster, you won't know what to do with yourself. No one will even know that you're gone. You can write some poetic song about not being missed. Plus it will be epic to hear their response when you tell them you don't have a Facebook. It has been for me. No one knows I'm gone. It makes me feel like a million bucks *sarcasm*! However, it does keep me more focused on God and not the drama, and that translates into more time discerning the next steps in ministry. Woot woot!

Praise the Lord!

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